(541) 930-8900


Breast Cancer Support Services

A woman’s journey through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery.

Rogue Valley Resources
Nurse Navigator Services

A Nurse Navigator provides personalized support for cancer patients and their families at a critical and often daunting time, when the emotional impact of a diagnosis can be overwhelming and a myriad of treatment and care decisions are necessary. All Nurse Navigator services are provided at no charge.

Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
Breast Health Coordinator/Cancer Care Navigator
Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
(541) 789-6176

Rogue Regional’s Nurse Navigator is available to patients and their families as a primary contact throughout a patient’s cancer diagnosis and course of treatment. Please note:  Rogue Regional’s Nurse Navigator is available to patients with all forms of cancer.

American Cancer Society Cancer Resource Center

The American Cancer Society (ACS) partners with Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center to provide a cancer resource center at Rogue Regional. All services are free of charge.

The center provides a wealth of information on a wide range of cancer topics and is staffed by dedicated volunteers, many of whom have gone through cancer treatment themselves.

Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center
(Dubs Cancer Center lobby)
2825 E Barnett Rd., Medford, (541) 789-4263

The resource center is open: Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

The ACS Resource Centers offer:

  • Direct connection to the ACS national call center and web site
  • A current cancer library of free booklets
  • Free wigs and wig fittings, hats, scarves, and turbans
  • Look Good…Feel Better program information and sign-up sheets

For Breast Cancer Patients:

  • Free bras and breast prostheses and fittings
  • Reach to Recovery program information and sign-up sheets
Peer Support
American Cancer Society Reach to Recovery

A valuable American Cancer Society program matching those seeking support with people who have gone through a similar experience.

Visit Reach to Recovery or call 541.779.6091 or 1-800-ACS(227)-2345. The 800 number is answered 24/7.

Support Groups
Caring and Sharing

A supportive group for those with cancer, their families and friends.

Every Tuesday of the month, 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Dubs Cancer Center, No fee. (541) 789-5836.

Look Good…Feel Better

Trained volunteer cosmetologists teach women how to cope with skin changes, and hair loss using cosmetics and skin care products. The free cosmetic kits provided at these sessions are available in a variety of shades to enhance all complexion types. Women also learn ways to disguise hair loss with wigs, scarves and other accessories.

1st Monday of the month, Washington Outpatient Center, 1505 NW Washington Blvd., Grants Pass and Dubs Cancer Center Library on the Rogue Regional campus, Medford.

3rd Monday of the month at the Leila J. Eisenstein Breast Center at Providence Medford Medical Center, 1698 E. McAndrews, Medford.

Please note, it is important to make a reservation so that your personal make-up kit is ready for you at the class. To reserve a Look Good…Feel Better training call (541) 779-6092.

RVMC Breast Cancer Support Group

Come and share your challenges and coping strategies in a safe atmosphere of mutual support. Facilitated by Gail Kessler, MSSA, LCSW.

1st and 3rd Thursday of each month, 12:30-2 p.m. RVMC First Floor, Mustard Conference Room, No fee. (541) 789-6176 or 789-4342.

Kids Konnected

For kids with parents who have cancer.

4th Tues, 6:30 p.m. in the Providence Cancer Library and Resource Center  (541) 732-7004

Lymphedema Support Group

(541) 608-5543

Financial Resources

For a complete list of financial assistance information please visit the Financial Resources section of our web site.

Women specific financial aid programs:

Oregon Breast & Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)

If you are an uninsured or a low-income woman over 40, you may be eligible for assistance with the cost of a mammogram from the Oregon Breast & Cervical Cancer Program.

In addition, women who are enrolled in the BCCP and have a definitive diagnosis of cancer, CIN II or CIN III may then qualify for additional financial assistance through the Oregon Health Plan. For more information, visit the BCCP web site or call 1-877-255-7070.

The American Cancer Society and the Susan B. Komen Foundation

Offer a grant for lodging and/or transportation and/or food financial assistance. The recipient must meet specific income limitations and live or receive treatment within specific boundaries.

A health care professional representing the cancer treatment center or an ACS staff person or volunteer can request financial assistance on behalf of a patient.

For more information call Joan Haukom at:
(541) 779-0692 (x 23) or 1-877-221-3073 (x 23).

Online Resources

Susan B. Komen Foundation
Excellent questionnaire sheets to use when speaking with your providers.

WebMD/Breast Cancer
Web portal offers the latest in news, technology, information on breast cancer.

MedLine Plus
The National Institutes of Health breast cancer web portal.

Rethink Breast Cancer
The young women’s breast cancer movement.