(541) 930-8900


Patient Forms

Prior to your first visit, we ask that you please fill out the following patient registration forms:

Patient Registration Forms

Completing these forms prior to your visit allows sufficient time to finish the more detailed sections. If you have questions, just bring the forms with you and we will help you during your first office visit. NOTE: If you do not have a printer, please fill out the online forms and we will provide you with the other forms at your first visit.


For your initial office visit please arrive 15 minutes early if you have all forms completed, if not, we need you here 30 minutes before your appointment to complete the registration process.


To ensure we can process your paperwork and insurance authorizations as smoothly as possible please bring following to your appointment:

  • Insurance card
  • Physician referrals (if applicable)
  • Picture I.D.
  • Co-payment. We accept cash, checks, and Visa, Mastercard, and Discover credit cards.
  • Forms
  • Wear loose clothing and walking shoes.


  • If you are scheduled for both a vascular ultrasound and a physician visit, you may be in our office for up to four (4) hours.
  • If you are not scheduled for an ultrasound, you should plan to be in our office for up to two (2) hours.
  • Feel free to bring a snack and book to help make the waiting time between appointments more comfortable.
  • If you are coming for an appointment that you have been asked not to eat prior to your visit, please bring a snack with you for after your appointment. There is also a cafe in the lobby of our building for coffee and sandwiches.
  • Bring any diabetic medication, oxygen, or any other medical items you may need while visiting our office.
  • If you are coming from out of town, please be sure to hand carry your X-ray, MRI, CT, Mammogram or other diagnostic test films with you. If you have other important records, please be sure that you either bring them or get them to our office prior to your visit.

NOTE: Due to the nature of our practice, our physician’s schedule may be interrupted by a trauma or an emergency at the hospital. These emergent cases may create a wait of up to one (1) hour. If such an event should happen on a day that you are scheduled, we will gladly reschedule your appointment if you cannot wait for the physician.