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Endocrine (Glands)

The Endocrine System

The endocrine system is an integrated system of small organs that involve the release of extracellular signaling molecules known as hormones. The endocrine system is instrumental in regulating metabolism, growth, tissue function, and also plays a part in determining mood.

The Endocrine SystemMajor Endocrine Glands

1. Pineal gland

2. Pituitary gland

3. Thyroid gland

4. Thymus

5. Adrenal gland

6. Pancreas

7. Ovary

8. Testes

Male left, female on the right. Information and illustration obtained from Wikipedia.

Endocrine health issues and associated surgical treatments include:


Health Condition Surgical Treatment
Goiter/Cancer of the Thyroid Thyroidectomy
Cancer of the Para-thyroid Para-thyroidectomy
Adrenal Glands tumor/cancer Adrenalectomy
Pancreatic cancer Pancreatic disecetion